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Participant Referrals & Application

To refer a participant to our PVJOBS Core Program that provides construction placement assistance, please have the participant fill out a PVJOBS referral application form. (Reach PVJOBS at 323.432.3955 to request an application.) Your agency must complete page 2 of the application and certify it with their information in the requested area, which is located below the Workplace Development field.


The participant must bring the completed application to PVJOBS and attend an orientation. Orientations are held every Thursday (except on holidays) at 10 am.


Participant Eligibility

PVJOBS provides job training and placement opportunities to those who are at greatest risk. Access to job referrals is based on the total number of at-risk conditions present at the time of application. Our clients are individuals who have at least one of the following at-risk factors:

  • Did not complete high school

  • History of substance abuse

  • Household income below 50% of the median

  • Welfare recipient

  • History of involvement in the justice system

  • Chronic unemployment

  • Unemployed single parent

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