Hatch Multi-Site is a violence prevention strategy program designed to interrupt occurrences of violence and retaliation, increase median wages for program participants, and develop a sustainable community collaborative to address ongoing socioeconomic issues in Los Angeles. The program provides career-focused mentorship, industry-recognized certifications, occupational training, post-secondary enrollment services, and employment opportunities. The program also offers stipends, incentives and financial assistance.
Hatch Multi-Site will impact the lives of 800 adult community members through street outreach services, 120 youth through school-based services, and 350 job-seekers through case management and job training services.
Intervention Applicants Must:
17 to 44 years old
Live in the Los Angeles communities of East Los Angeles, Hollywood, South Los Angeles or Watts.
Involvement with the justice system or family members involved with the justice system.
Prevention Applicants Must:
12 to 16 years old
Live in the Los Angeles communities of East Los Angeles, Hollywood, South Los Angeles or Watts.
Involvement with the justice system, family members involved with the justice system or being at risk for involvement.